On-water Rowing Course + Masters Stretching Guide Download
The course starts with the basics and takes the viewer from the first session on the water through to racing. We suggest working through it in series, beginning with the first lesson and working your way through to the end.
On-water Beginner Rowing Course 1hr59min + Masters Stretching Guide
Introduction to 2021 On-water Beginner Rowing Course
Lesson 1 - Boat Setup on water
Lesson 2 - The First thing every rower should learn 1
Lesson 3 - The second thing every rower should learn 1
Lesson 4 - Posture and Pauses
Lesson 5 - Catch and Finish
Lesson 6 - Sculling Balance Exercises
Lesson 7 - Rollups, sequence & place before push
Lesson 8 - Balance and Oars off the Water
Lesson 9 - Catch & Connection
Lesson 10 - Rhythm in the boat Vital for Speed
Lesson 11 - Racing & Race Day
Lesson 12 - Racing Starts
Safety - Capsize Safety Video
Safety - Bow Balls and Heel Ties
Safety - Rowing Lights
14 Stretches for Rowing Masters